Buzzer: The Buzzer is an integrated electronic Xiangqi structure, with a DC power supply, widely used in computers, printers, photocopiers, alarms, electronic toys, automotive electronics, telephones, timers, etc. electronic products for sound devices.
Buzzer Category: divided into piezoelectric buzzer and magnetic buzzer
Buzzer circuit pattern symbol: buzzer in the circuit by the letter "H" or "HA" (the old standard with the "FM", "LB", "JD", etc.) respectively.
* Contents
- Connect
S ----- D2
middle ----- 5V
- ----- GND
- Key Code
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4); // LCD2004
int S = 2 ;// connect the I/O pin on the buzzer to this
These 10 segment bar graph LEDs have many uses. With a compact footprint, and a simple hookup, they are easy for prototyping or finished products. Essentially, they are 10 individual red LEDs housed together.
Magic Light Cup modules are easy to Interactive Technology Division developed a can and ARDUINO interactive modules, PWM dimming principle is to use the principle of two modules brightness changes. Mercury switches provide a digital signal that triggers the PWM regulator, through the program design, We can see the light like two cups filled with the effect of shuffling back and forth.
This is a very low cost break out module for the ADXL335 tripple axis accelerometer. This module includes optional header pins and provides easy access to the X, Y and Z axis analogue outputs from the accelerometer.
It is capable of sensing forces up to 3g in all axis. A 3.3V on-board regulator is also provided allowing the module to be powered from a 3.3 to 5V power supply source.
Model number: HCMODU0070
Supply Range: 3V ~ 5V
3 Axis sensing
Full scale range: +/-3g
Sensitivity: 300mV/g (Typ)
Pinout, schematic and datasheet available after purchase.
* Contents
- Connect
Arduino Uno
3.3V ----- VCC
----- AREF
VCC ----- 3.3V
X-OUT ----- A0
Y-OUT ----- A1
Z-OUT ----- A2
GND ----- GND
- Key Code
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4); // LCD2004
const int xpin = A0; // x-axis of the accelerometer
const int ypin = A1; // y-axis
const int zpin = A2; // z-axis (only on 3-axis models)
void setup()
lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd
lcd.print("start LCD2004");
pinMode(xpin, INPUT);
pinMode(ypin, INPUT);
pinMode(zpin, INPUT);
void loop()
lcd.print("S057:ADXL335 3axisA");
int x = analogRead(xpin);
int y = analogRead(ypin);
int z = analogRead(zpin);
//zero_G is the reading we expect from the sensor when it detects
//no acceleration. Subtract this value from the sensor reading to
//get a shifted sensor reading.
float zero_G = 512.0;
//scale is the number of units we expect the sensor reading to
//change when the acceleration along an axis changes by 1G.
//Divide the shifted sensor reading by scale to get acceleration in Gs.
Measuring the absolute pressure of the enviroment using a digital barometer such as this has some interesting applications. By converting the pressure measured into altitude, you have a reliable sensor for determining the height of your robot, plane or projectile!
Using a sensor as capable as the BMP180 you can achieve accurary of 1m, with noise of only 17cm in ultra high resolution noise. The device will operate at only 0.3uA meaning low current draw for battery powered applications.
The BMP180 comes fully calibrated and ready to use. As the device operates over I2C we've added optional I2C pull ups that can be enabled using the PU (pull up) jumper on the board for your convenience and ease during breadboarding.
Using I2C, the device provides pressure and temperature as 16bit values, which are used along with calibration data within the device are used to provide a temperature compensated altitude calculation.
This device is really easy to use, if your thinking of using it with an then you need to check out our BMP180 tutorial!
1.8V to 3.6V Supply Voltage
Low power consumption - 0.5uA at 1Hz
I2C interface
Max I2C Speed: 3.5Mhz
Very low noise - up to 0.02hPa (17cm)
Full calibrated
Pressure Range: 300hPa to 1100hPa (+9000m to -500m)
Weight: 1.18g
Size: 21mm x 18mm
* Contents
- Connect
VIN ----- 5V
GND ------ GND
SCL ----- A5
SDA ----- A4
- Library :
: Sample Test : BMP085, I2Cdev
- Key Code
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4); // LCD2004
// Arduino Wire library is required if I2Cdev I2CDEV_ARDUINO_WIRE implementation
// is used in I2Cdev.h
#include "Wire.h"
// I2Cdev and BMP085 must be installed as libraries, or else the .cpp/.h files
// for both classes must be in the include path of your project
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "BMP085.h"
// class default I2C address is 0x77
// specific I2C addresses may be passed as a parameter here
// (though the BMP085 supports only one address)
BMP085 barometer;
float temperature;
float pressure;
float altitude;
int32_t lastMicros;
#define LED_PIN 13 // (Arduino is 13, Teensy is 11, Teensy++ is 6)
bool blinkState = false;
void setup()
lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd
lcd.print("start LCD2004");
// join I2C bus (I2Cdev library doesn't do this automatically)
void loop()
// request temperature
// wait appropriate time for conversion (4.5ms delay)
lastMicros = micros();
while (micros() - lastMicros < barometer.getMeasureDelayMicroseconds());
// read calibrated temperature value in degrees Celsius
temperature = barometer.getTemperatureC();
// request pressure (3x oversampling mode, high detail, 23.5ms delay)
while (micros() - lastMicros < barometer.getMeasureDelayMicroseconds());
// read calibrated pressure value in Pascals (Pa)
pressure = barometer.getPressure();
// calculate absolute altitude in meters based on known pressure
// (may pass a second "sea level pressure" parameter here,
// otherwise uses the standard value of 101325 Pa)
Output interface: 6 wire interface (1234 to 4 signal output ends, + positive power, - for the negative power is ground)
The output signal: TTL level (can be directly connected to I/0 microcontroller, infrared light reflected back to the sensor induction, the red indicator light, output low level; no infrared light, the indicator light does not shine, the output high.)
The ENC28J60 Ethernet Module utilizes the new Microchip ENC28J60 Stand-Alone Ethernet Controller IC featuring a host of features to handle most of the network protocol requirements. The board connects directly to most microcontrollers with a standard SPI interface with a transfer speed of up to 20MHz.
ENC28J60 Ethernet chips, SOP28 package
SPI Interface
2X5 connector, can be easily mounted with the MCU
Power indicator
Single Supply: +3.3 V
PCB size: 55x36 mm
* Contents
- Connect (Uno)
VCC - 3.3V
SCK - Pin 13
SO - Pin 12
SI - Pin 11
CS - Pin 8 # Selectable with the ether.begin() function
- Connect (Mega)
VCC - 3.3V
SCK - Pin 52
SO - Pin 50
SI - Pin 51
CS - Pin 53 # Selectable with the ether.begin() function
# The default CS pin defaults to 8, so you have to set it on a mega:
Heart rate data can be really useful whether you’re designing an exercise routine, studying your activity or anxiety levels or just want your shirt to blink with your heart beat. The problem is that heart rate can be difficult to measure. Luckily, the Pulse Sensor Amped can solve that problem!
The Pulse Sensor Amped is a plug-and-play heart-rate sensor for Arduino. It can be used by students, artists, athletes, makers, and game & mobile developers who want to easily incorporate live heart-rate data into their projects.It essentially combines a simple optical heart rate sensor with amplification and noise cancellation circuitry making it fast and easy to get reliable pulse readings. Also, it sips power with just 4mA current draw at 5V so it’s great for mobile applications.
Simply clip the Pulse Sensor to your earlobe or finger tip and plug it into your 3 or 5 Volt Arduino and you’re ready to read heart rate! The 24" cable on the Pulse Sensor is terminated with standard male headers so there’s no soldering required. Of course Arduino example code is available as well as a Processing sketch for visualizing heart rate data.
ISD1820 Voice Recording Module is another very interesting stuff. You don't need to prepare a speaker and a mic - both are included in this module! After connecting to the power, you can press REC to record a 10 second voice. Press PLAYE to play the complete voice once. Press and hold PLAYL it will play the voice and it stop when the button is released. It can also be controlled by Arduino. Combined with Laser Detector and Laser Module, you can make a doorbell, security system, and power-saving light along corridor for instance.