'2) Sensor/Vibration_Collision'에 해당되는 글 4건

  1. 2017.09.24 Crash Collision Sensor Detection Module [S230]
  2. 2016.09.09 Ceramic Piezo Vibration Sensor [S133]
  3. 2016.09.09 Knock sensor module (KY-031) [S040]
  4. 2016.09.09 Vibration switch module (KY-002) [S039]

Crash Collision Sensor Detection Module [S230]



* Specs 

Wrobot Crash Sensor is arduino compatible and can be used for for robot collision detection, touch collision detection. 

It is based on the high sensitivity crash sensor. 

With the Arduino sensor expansion board, in combination, it can be very easy to achieve robot collision detection, touch collision detection. 

When touch, output low level ; when release, maintain a high level

Wrobot Crash Sensor pin definitions : (1) Output (2) Vcc (3) GND

Features :

1.Based on the high sensitivity crash sensor

2.Can be used for robot collision detection, touch collision detection

3.Type : Digital

4.Sensitivity : High

5.Power Supply : 5V

6.Pin Definitions : (1) Output (2) Vcc (3) GND

7.When touch, output low level ; when release, maintain a high level

8.Apply to a variety of platforms including Arduino/51/AVR/ARM

* Contents

- connect

OUT - D3

VCC - 5V



- Key Code

int ledPin = 13;                // choose the pin for the LED
int inputPin = 3;               // connect sensor to input pin 3
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);           // Init the serial port
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      // declare LED as output
  pinMode(inputPin, INPUT);     // declare Micro switch as input
void loop(){
  int val = digitalRead(inputPin);  // read input value
  if (val == HIGH) {                // check if the input is HIGH
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);      // turn LED OFF
  } else {
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);     // turn LED ON
    Serial.println("Switch Pressed!");

Posted by RDIoT

Ceramic Piezo Vibration Sensor [S133]



* Specs

his ALSRobotBase Ceramic Piezo Vibration Piece Sensor buffers a piezoelectric transducer that responds to strain changes by generating a measurable output voltage change which is propotional with the strength of vibration.So you can know the extent of vibration. Different from digital vibration sensor that only accounts times, this analog one can tell extent of vibration.

When the piezoelectric ceramic shocking will generate an electrical signal, Arduino Controller analog port can be perceived slight vibration signals, Also can be realized with vibration interactions related works, such as electronic drums.

Working Voltage: 3.3V or 5V

Working Current: <1mA

Operating Temperature Range: -10 ~ + 70

Interface Type: Analog Output

Item Size: 30mm x 23mm

Item Weight: 5g

GPIO: S; signal output, +; power supply (VCC), -; ground (GND)

Input: Positive electrode of the piezoelectric ceramic

Gnd: Negative electrode of the piezoelectric ceramic

S-port is connected with the controller\'s analog input pin

5V and GND are respectively connected the power supply of + 5V and GND

Input and Gnd are already connected with the piezoelectric ceramics\' positive and negative

* Contents

- Connect

S ----- D2

+ ----- 5V

- ----- GND

- Key Code

lcd.print("Value=" + (String)digitalRead(2) + " ");

Posted by RDIoT

Knock sensor module (KY-031) [S040]



* Specs

13 knock sensor module and a digital interface, built-in LED build a simple circuit to produce percussion flasher. 13 Interface comes with digital LED, will knock sensor connected digital 3 interface, when percussion sensor senses Measure To percussive signals, LED flashing light.

* Contents

- Connect

S ----- D3

middle ----- 5V

- ----- GND

- Key Code

#include <Wire.h> 

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>


int pin = 3;

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4);  // LCD2004


void setup()


  lcd.init();  // initialize the lcd 


  lcd.print("start LCD2004");








void loop()




  lcd.print("S040:Knock sensor");


  int vibration = digitalRead(pin);



  lcd.print("digital=" + (String)vibration + "  ");


  if(vibration == LOW)







    lcd.print("knock=NONE    ");




Posted by RDIoT

Vibration switch module (KY-002) [S039]


*GitHub : https://github.com/rdiot/rdiot-s039.git

* Specs

This switch is OFF in the resting state, when the external force to touch and to achieve a proper vibration, meet the appropriate speed or from the (partial) heart, conductive pin will momentarily conduction (ON) status, make changes in electric property, and disappear when the external force electric property open (OFF) state is restored

Omnidirectional, any Angle can trigger job

Component model: SW-18015P

* Contents

- Connect

S ----- D2

middle ----- 5V

- ----- GND


- Key Code

int pin = 2;

int vibration = digitalRead(pin);

  if(vibration == LOW)








    lcd.print("vibration=NONE    ");


Posted by RDIoT