RD IoT Demo Index > IoT H/W Platform
- Samsung ARTIK (18)
- Samsung ARTIK 5 as MQTT Massage Broker [P008]
- Samsung ARTIK 5 Using Debug Capabilities of Node-RED [P008.1]
- Samsung ARTIK 5 Returning Sensor Data from Edge Devices [P008.2]
- Samsung ARTIK 5 Web WIndow to MQTT [P008.3]
- Arduino MQTT Client & ARTIK MQTT Broker [P012] - NEW
- ARTIK MQTT+Raspberry Pi Apache Kafka Cluster Bridge [P014] - NEW
- MQTT+Kafka+Amazon ElasticSearch Service [P015] - NEW
- MQTT+Kafka+Raspberry Pi ElasticSearch Cluster [P016] - NEW
- ARTIK Cloud Device Simulator [P010.1]
- Samsung ARTIK 5 Publishing to ARTIK Cloud [P010.2]
- Samsung ARTIK 5 ARTIK Cloud using the Arduino IDE (REST) [P010.3]
- Samsung ARTIK 5 ARTIK Cloud using the Arduino IDE (MQTT) [P010.4]
- Samsung ARTIK 10 Audio Programming [P010.5]
- Samsung ARTIK 10 HDMI Display [P010.6]
- Samsung ARTIK 10 USB Camera [P010.7]
- Video Streaming with ARTIK as RTSP Server [P010.8]
- Samsung ARTIK 1020 Basic Test (ARTIK10-V0.5) [B116] - TBD
- Arduino (7)
- Arduino Yun + Temboo + Google Spreadsheets [P005]
- Arduino Yun (ARDUINO-YUN) [B015]
- Arduino Yun UVC Camera Servo Motor Control [P006.1] - NEW
- Arduino Pro Mini Atmega168 5V (Arduino-Pro-Mini) [B065]
- Arduino Leonardo (ARDUINO-LEONARDO-R3) [B027]
- Arduino Nano V3.0 MicroUSB (Arduino-Nano-R3-MicroUSB) [B072]
- Arduino Due (Arduino-Due-R3) [B094]
- Arduino Shield (7)
- ITEAD 3G Shield (IM121026002) [B014]
- Ethernet W5100 Shield (W5100) [B004]
- CC3000 Wifi Shield (CC3000) [B013]
- Funduino Nano Shield (Funduino-NANO-006_V3) [B026]
- Arduino Nano Terminal Adapter Board [B080]
- VS1053B MP3 Music Shield (VS1053B) [B119]
- Gamepad Joystick Shield Module (ZC148300) [B118] - TBD
- Arduino Lilypad (2)
- Wemos (1)
- NodeMcu (2)
- NodeMcu Board ESP8266 esp-12e (NODEMCU-ESP8266) [B050]
- NodeMCU Motor Shield L293D for esp-12e (L293D) [B134] - TBD
- Raspberry Pi (10)
- Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (RASPBERRY-PI-2-B) [B016]
- Raspberry Pi 3 B Model (RASPBERRY-PI-3-B) [B088]
- Raspberry Pi GPIO Ruler [B180] - NEW
- Raspberry Pi Apache Kafka Cluster [P013] - NEW
- ARTIK MQTT+Raspberry Pi Apache Kafka Cluster Bridge [P014] - NEW
- MQTT+Kafka+Amazon ElasticSearch Service [P015] - NEW
- MQTT+Kafka+Raspberry Pi ElasticSearch Cluster [P016] - NEW
- Pi4J + Amazon S3 REST API + Amazon Athena [P019] - NEW
- AWS IoT Core + Raspberry Pi + AWS IoT Device SDK for Java [P021] - NEW
- Pi4J + Amazon S3 REST API + S3 Lambda Trigger + DynamoDB [P022] - NEW
- Other Pi (1)
- Orange Pi PC [B107] - TBD
- BeagleBone(1)
- BeagleBone Black Rev.C [B171] - TBD
- Particle(1)
- Particle Photon Board [B138] - TBD
- SmartThings (5)
Reference Site
* PICAXE : http://www.picaxe.com
* Wiring : http://wiring.org.co
- Wiring Board : http://wiring.org.co/hardware
- Wiring IDE : http://wiring.org.co/download/index.html
* Arduino
- Arduino.cc : https://www.arduino.cc
- Arduino.org : http://www.arduino.org
- Arduino Function : https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/HomePage
- Arduino Board : http://www.arduino.cc/en/main/hardware
- Arduino Compatible Hardware : http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/SimilarBoards
- Arduino Yun OpenWRT
: packages (1.6.2) : http://downloads.arduino.cc/openwrtyun/1.6.2/packages/index.html
* Arduino-Compatible Board
- Roboduino
- Freeduino
- Seeeduino
- Chipkit : PIC
- Femtoduino : Very Small
- Ruggeduino : I/O Security Function
- Teensy : Nano, Cheap
- IOIO Board (PIC for Android) : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOIO
* Arduino IDE
- Arduino.cc IDE : https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
- Arduino Web Editor : https://create.arduino.cc/editor
- Arduino.org IDE : http://www.arduino.org/downloads
- Sloeber Arduino eclipse IDE : http://eclipse.baeyens.it/
- Programino IDE (cc1.6.5, org1.7.10) : http://programino.com/
* ESP8266 Board
- ESP8266 espressif : http://espressif.com/en/products/hardware/esp8266ex/overview
- esp8266 community : http://www.esp8266.com/
- WeMos : http://www.wemos.cc
* NodeMcu (Lua Script Language)
- NodeMCU Lua Dev board
- NodeMCU Esplorer (Development Tool java)
* Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi.org : https://www.raspberrypi.org/
- Raspberry Pi 2 PinMap : https://www.megaleecher.net/sites/default/files/images/raspberry-pi-rev2-gpio-pinout.jpg
* Banana Pi
- Banana Pi org : http://www.banana-pi.org/
- Banana Pi Wiki : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_Pi
* Orange Pi
- Orange Pi PC : http://www.orangepi.org/orangepipc/
* Chipkit Pi
- ChipKIT Pi : https://www.element14.com/community/community/raspberry-pi/raspberry-pi-accessories/chipkit_pi
- ChipKIT : http://chipkit.net/
* Beglebone Black
- TI Beegle Board : http://www.BeagleBoard.org
* Samsung Artik
- ARTIK : http://www.artik.io/
- ARTIK Docs : https://developer.artik.io/documentation/
- ARTIK Blog : https://www.artik.io/blog
- ARTIK IDE : https://eclipse-che.readme.io/docs/download-artik-ide
- ARTIK Arduino Board Lib : http://downloads.arduino.cc/libArduino/package_arduino.cc_linux_index.json
- ARTIK GPIO : https://developer.artik.io/documentation/developer-guide/gpio/gpio-mapping.html
- ALSA (The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) Audio Control (arecord,aplay)
- ARTIK Firmware : https://developer.artik.io/documentation/downloads.html#firmware
- etcher (Burn images to SD) : https://etcher.io/
- Tizen RT : https://wiki.tizen.org/Tizen_RT
- NuttX RTOS : http://www.nuttx.org/
* Particle Board
- Particle Photon (Wifi) : https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/photon-development-guide
- Particle Electron (Celluar) : only GSM
: Country : https://s3.amazonaws.com/particle-marketing-assets/CountryListings.png
- Particle Core
- Particle Tinker : http://docs.particle.io/photon/start/#step-2-install-the-app
- Particle Build : https://build.particle.io/
- Particle SDKs : https://www.particle.io/mobile
- Particle Dev (Local IDE) : https://www.particle.io/dev
- Particle CLI : https://github.com/spark/particle-cli
- Particle ParticleJS : https://github.com/spark/particle-api-js
- Particle Rest API : http://docs.particle.io/photon/api/
* STM32
- Arduino for STM32 : http://www.stm32duino.com/
* Maple (Leaflabs)
- Maple, Maple Mini : http://www.leaflabs.com/about-maple/
* Samsung SmartThings : https://www.smartthings.com/
- Samsung SmartThings Hub : https://shop.smartthings.com/products/samsung-smartthings-hub
- Samsung SmartThings Product : https://shop.smartthings.com/products
- SmartThings Groovy IDE : https://graph.api.smartthings.com/
- SmartThings Developer : http://developer.smartthings.com/
- SmartThings Developer Portal (new) : https://smartthings.developer.samsung.com/
- SmartThings Docs : http://docs.smartthings.com/en/latest/
* Scratch
- Scratch MIT MediaLab : https://scratch.mit.edu/
: Scratch Web Editor : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tip_bar=home
- S4A (Scratch for Arduino) : http://s4a.cat/
- Entry (Entry Labs) : https://playentry.org
: Download Entry : https://playentry.org/#!/offlineEditor
: Entry offline Github : https://github.com/entrylabs/entry-offline/releases
* Crowd funding
- Kick Starter : https://www.kickstarter.com/
- wadiz kor : https://www.wadiz.kr
* 3D Modelling
- Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/
- UG-NX (Unigraphics NX) : https://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/en/products/nx/
- Fusion 360 (autodesk cloud based) : https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/
* Learn & Tutorial
- Learn Do Arduinoinfo : http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/
* Makers
- Maker Faire Seoul : https://makerfaire.co.kr
- Let's Make Instructables : http://www.instructables.com/
* Tools
- KiCad EDA (Electronics Design Automation Suite) : http://kicad-pcb.org/download/
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