8. Working: 5CM Something is blocking the sensor head, The first wave open output,Second waved off the output. The third wave open output, Continuous cycle
Output interface: 6 wire interface (1234 to 4 signal output ends, + positive power, - for the negative power is ground)
The output signal: TTL level (can be directly connected to I/0 microcontroller, infrared light reflected back to the sensor induction, the red indicator light, output low level; no infrared light, the indicator light does not shine, the output high.)
This is an infrared transmitter very useful for any IR communication for your project. Infrared is a common, inexpensive, and easy to use wireless communication technology.
the module is ready to be connected to an MCU such as an Arduino.
It has two led transmitter to add visibility and an indicator led that shows when the module is transmitting.