'2) Sensor/Humidity'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2016.09.07 SI7021 Humidity Sensor (GY-21) [S068]

SI7021 Humidity Sensor (GY-21) [S068]



* Specs

Precision Relative Humidity Sensor

± 3% RH (max), 0-80% RH

High Accuracy Temperature Sensor

±0.4 °C (max), -10 to 85 °C

0 to 100% RH operating range

Up to -40 to +125 °C operating range

Wide operating voltage (1.9 to 3.6 V)

Low Power Consumption 150 μA active current

60 nA standby current


I2C Interface

Integrated on-chip heater

3x3 mm DFN Package

Excellent long term stability

Optional factory-installed cover


Protection during reflow

Excludes liquids and particulates

* Content

- Library : https://github.com/mlsorensen/SI7021

- Connect

VIN ----- 3.3V

GND ----- GND

SCL ----- SCL 

SDA ----- SDA

- Key Code

#include <SI7021.h>

SI7021 sensor;

float temperature = sensor.getCelsiusHundredths();

temperature = temperature / 100.0;

int humidity = sensor.getHumidityPercent();

si7021_env data = sensor.getHumidityAndTemperature();

int t = data.celsiusHundredths;

int h = data.humidityBasisPoints;


lcd.print("t="+(String)t+" h="+(String)h);

Posted by RDIoT